I have been interested in Astrophotography since I purchased by first telescope in 2009.
I have created this website to showcase my journey through the years.
Be sure to check out my deep space images here.
Statue of Liberty Nebula
7 hour exposure taken Feb 2025. NGC 3576 is an emission nebula about 9,000 light-years away in the constellation of Carina.
Eta Carinae Nebula NGC 3372
12 hour exposure taken Mar 2025. The Eta Carinae Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation Carina. It is located about about 7500 ly from Earth.
Tarantula Nebula NGC 2070
5 hour exposure taken October 2010. The Tarantula Nebula (also known as NGC 2070) is an H II star forming region in nearby galaxy The Large Magellanic Cloud. Taken with Ha filter.
Sculptor Galaxy NGC 253
A 16 hour exposure taken October 2011. The Sculptor Galaxy (NGC 253) is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Sculptor. It is located about 11.4 million light years from Earth.