Astrophotography Terminology


Atlas - Popular mount made by Orion. Same as EQ6

ACF - Advanced Coma Free - Type of Meade telescope

ABG - Anti Bloom Gate - Explanation

ALT/AZ - Altitude-Azimuth - A type of telescope mount

AO - Adaptive Optics

AO-7, AO-8, AO-L - SBIG Adaptive Optics products

APO - Apochromat - A type of refractor teleascope

ASA - Astrosysteme Austria - Telescope and mount manufacturer. Homepage

ATS - retailer - Homepage

BIN - Pixel Binning. Explanation

CCD - Type of digital camera image sensor

CMOS - Type of digital camera image sensor

CPC - Series of fork mounted SCT telescopes by Celestron

CN -Cloudy Nights - Popular USA based Astronomy Forum. Homepage

CGE - Heavy Duty Computerized Mount by Celestron.

DEC - Declination - Wiki page

DSI - Series of CCD camera by Meade

DSLR - Digital Single Lens Reflex - type of digial camera

ED - Extra low Dispersion - a characteristic of high quality lenses

ED80 - Popular 80 mm ED refractor by Orion. Product page.

ED127 - 127 mm Triplet made by JOC and sold under a variey of brands.

EQ - Equatorial - A type of telescope mount

EQ5 - Computerised mount by Sky-watcher.

EQ6 - Computerised mount by Sky-watcher.

EQMOD - Telescope scontrol software. Homepage

FLI - Finger Lakes Instruments - Homepage

FOV - Field of View

FWHM - Full width at half maximum. Wiki page.

FSQ - Quadruplet Fluorite Apochromatic Refractor range by Takahashi

GM 8 - Mount by Losmandy Product Page

G-11 - Mount by Losmandy. Product Page

GEM - German Equitoral Mount

GSO - Guan Sheng Optical - telescope manufacturer. Homepage.

HGM TITAN - Mount by Losmandy. Product Page

IIS - Ice In Space - Popular Australian Astronomy Forum. Homepage.

LRGB - Luminance , Red, Green, Blue

MN - Maksutov-Newton - Catadioptric telescope with meniscus lens / corrector plate

NABG - Non Anti Bloom Gate (i.e. this CCD will bloom) - Explanation

NGC - New General Catalogue - well-known catalogue of deep sky objects. Wiki page.

MOAG - Manual Off-Axis Guider by Astrodon

OAG - Off Axis guider

OPT - Retailer. Homepage

PE - Periodic Error

PEC - Periodic Error Correction

PME - Paramount ME - Advanced robotic telescope mount . Product Page

PGC - Principal Galaxies Catalogue. Wiki page

PS - Adobe Photoshop

PST - range of solar telescopes by Coronado. Homepage

PHD - Push Here Dummy - Guiding Software. Product Page.

QSi - CCD Manufacturer. Homepage

RA - Right ascension - Wiki page

RC -Ritchey-Chrétien - specialized Cassegrain telescope designed to eliminate coma. Wiki page.

RCOS - High end Ritchey-Chrétien Manufacturer. Homepage

SCT - Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope - a type of catadioptric telescope. Wiki Page.

SSP - South Celestial Pole

SBIG - CCD Manufacturer. Homepage

SN - Schmidt-Newtonian. Wiki page.

SN8 - 8" Schmidt-Newtonian by Meade

ST / STL / STX - SBIG CCD Camera series

TAK - Takahashi - Japanses telescope and mount manufacturer. USA homepage

TMB - Thomas M. Back - legendary optical designer and optical company

WO - William Optics. Homepage.


This is just a start, send me an email if I missed your favourite.